SC09 Teacher Day

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SC09 Teacher Day
First Look — 2009
This is a one-day workshop and does not include housing or SC09 conference registration. It does include a full day of workshops and lunch. Explore classroom-ready activities that bring a computational spin to your science and math lessons, and help your students understand how computing is changing the way we do science. From visualization of vast data collections, to models and simulations of complex phenomena; computational tools are essential for answering the questions that your students will face. K12 teachers, interested administrators, and informal educators are invited to learn about the educational resources and opportunities for further professional development that are part of the Supercomputing community around the globe. Participants will go home with classroom-ready hands-on learning activities linked to national standards for K12 learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Shepherding students through Northwest Science Fair circuit science fairs? Learn about data visualization tools from the San Diego Supercomputing Center. Teaching about ecology and the environment? Learn about how modeling tools can help us understand forest fires or predator - prey relationships, Already in the goodie stockpile: Gotta Have I.T. computing resource kits from the National Center for Women in Information Technology -- posters, computing and careers info, digital media and more to come.
Portland State University
Portland, OR
Nov 14 - Nov 14
Local Coordinators
Diane Baxter and Jeff Sale
Lead Instructors
not specified.
Notify By
Nov 6
--- SC-09 Teacher Day ---

Location: Portland State University- Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Building

Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Workshop Url[]

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